Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Binary Sudoku

After a busy day, while I was way into a hectic night , I came across this. I really was in no mood to be humored, but then I looked away and chuckled. Hilarious!

(The above pic is from http://xkcd.com/74/)


Anurag Chugh said...

elektor publishes hexadoku...
using hexadecimals...
its based on 4x4 microcell and 16x16 macrocell and not like the normal which has 3x3 microcell and 9x9 macrocell

if you think about it...
binary sudoku must have a 1 x 1 microcell and this same microcell will be the macrocell... which amounts to having a 1 inside a

there can be a 2x2 microcell and 4x4 macro cell sudoku...

but then i would rather fill it with 1 and 2s rather than 0 and 1...

Abhishek Ghose said...

a sudoku is played for the symbols - the algebraic properties of nos arent used in a grid (there are other properties to a solution- theyre latin squares). and for the other part, sudokus are not the only ones we are accustomed to--there are 'uneven' variants like logi-5 etc.